Sunday, July 26, 2020

3 questions Im always asked about IT contracting - Viewpoint - careers advice blog Viewpoint careers advice blog

3 questions I’m always asked about IT contracting - Viewpoint - careers advice blog Simply put, IT contracting is where an IT specialist works as their own individual company for a client organization in a business-to-business agreement. These specialists are contracted on a fixed term basis, usually to work on individual projects, as opposed to traditional permanent staff who are employed on an ongoing basis. Although this definition is simple, having a successful IT contracting career is not, which is why I’ve written this ITC Made Simple blog series. Hopefully, over the next few blogs, I’ll be able to provide you with all the knowledge you need to confidently enter the world of IT contracting for the first time. Having worked in the IT recruitment sector for close to ten years, I’ve seen many candidates enjoy great success when they’ve made the jump to contracting. On their first contact with Hays, when they’re trying to work out if contracting is for them, a few key questions always come up… Here are three of the questions that I’m asked most frequently:  1.  What is IT contracting? Contracting is the spine of the economy I’ve given you a straightforward technical definition but a lot more goes in to being an IT contractor than setting up a company. IT contracting is about delivering services â€" not specified results or products. The IT contractor offers their skills on demand, helping their client to do what’s important for their business. A colleague of mine recently compared contracting to being like the spine in the economy. Just as the spine allows the body to bend and move to navigate its surroundings, contracting gives the economy the flexibility it needs to adapt to the changing environment. Companies can get the skills they need, when they need them, and remove themselves from financial burden when they don’t. In a global economy where skills gaps appear to be growing, talented individuals aren’t tied down and can share their expertise with multiple organizations, being rewarded accordingly. Ultimately all parties can achieve their objectives and prosper. 2.  What’s in it for me? As a contractor you have the flexibility to choose when and where you work The company culture of the last century was partly defined by the ‘job for life’, where individuals entering the job market would stay at one company for their whole career, working their way up the corporate ladder. But the new generation of workers don’t want to work in the same place for a decade or longer, particularly Millennials. People are looking to gain more experiences and work in international teams, which will often necessitate an increase in ‘job-hopping’. A great way to do this is to become a contractor â€" giving yourself the flexibility to choose when and where you work. You will also make more money than in a permanent role, as clients will be competing for your skills and aren’t confined by the same burdens they have when taking on permanent staff. But for clients to compete for your skills you need to have something they want. To be a successful IT contractor you need to work in an area of expertise that is in high demand and that a client organization would struggle to recruit for in a permanent job. Why would they pay you more money to do a job that one of their current employees could do? Speaking to an experienced recruitment professional is often the first step in working out if your skills are in demand in the market and if becoming an IT Contractor would be beneficial to you â€" you can contact your local Hays office here. As an IT contractor you can expect to make good money in a flexible working environment, all while developing your skills and knowledge.  3.  What’s the typical profile of an IT contractor? IT contractors need to continually invest in their own business (themselves) As I’ve mentioned, you’ve got to have the skills that clients want. If it’s difficult for you to find permanent jobs then you’ll struggle even more as a contractor. Even for experienced contractors, learning new skills and keeping up to date with the latest trends is critical to success. Just as a ‘bricks and mortar’ business needs to invest in its infrastructure, people and products, an IT contractor needs to continually invest in their own business (themselves) to survive and prosper. On the plus side you have more control over how you develop yourself and define your own career path. IT contractors need to enjoy the risk vs. reward dynamic in their working lives, be able to handle pressure from clients (people expect top quality for top money), and have good social skills to quickly integrate themselves into new teams. One of the most successful contractors we’ve worked with is Michael Grüne at Hays Germany. He displays all these characteristics and has been able to build an impressive career in IT contracting, culminating in him winning the prestigious IT contractor of the year award from IT Job Magazin. It shouldn’t be overlooked that you’ll need to be an adept salesperson if you’re calling up clients and pitching for business. This is where working with an experienced recruiter like Hays is beneficial, as we already have a large network of contacts and can take care of the difficult and time consuming task of finding companies recruiting for your role/skills at the right time. You just need to turn up for the interview! To summarise, a top IT contractor has a strong entrepreneurial mind set; they’re willing to travel to where the work is; they’re business minded, they take care of their finances (tax, admin etc.) and they create a ‘financial airbag’ for when they’re between projects; some IT contractors even go on to own their own companies with a few employees, passing down their skills and knowledge. If this sounds like you, then you could be a prime candidate to move into the world of IT contracting! In the next part of the ITC Made Simple series I will be looking at how you can set yourself up as an IT Contractor. But if you can’t wait until then and want to find out more, speak to one of our local recruitment experts in your market. If you enjoyed this blog then you might  like some of our other IT blogs: Theres no such thing as a digital expert 2016: The year of the digital diviners Data is the new currency of recruitment The fruits of knowledge One thing is clear about digital transformation Digital destruction: Could Fintech kill banking jobs? How to lead from afar Why talented Chinese graduates are aiming high in Dub // Watch this video to find out how Hays can help you find your next IT contract: Share this blog:

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Does Your Workspace Promote Productivity - Work It Daily

Does Your Workspace Promote Productivity - Work It Daily Switching up your workspace isn't just about feeling good and comfortable when you're at work; it can really affect your general efficiency. Regardless of whether it's the sounds you hear or how well you see, your faculties are locked in for better or for more regrettable at work. By ensuring that these faculties are centered around the main job, you can all the more successfully coordinate your workspace to your profitability. Related: 5 Productivity-Sucking Snags To Avoid At Work Taking out interruptions and making a space designed for effectiveness could be the distinction between an engaged laborer and one who battles with keeping focused. Here are a few things you can do to ensure your workspace advances profitability: Blocking Sound There's a great deal of rushing about that accompanies working in an office. From the hints of machines, printers, and PCs to breaks from loud collaborators, commotions in your office could make them battle to block out interruptions. By setting up shields to viably shut sounds out so you can center, you'll notice less interferences. On the off chance that working in a desk area, texture can be utilized on the work space segment to help suppress outside sound. On the off chance that attempting to shut out sound appears to be a losing fight, consider putting resources into a decent pair of clamor dropping earphones, which transmit frequencies that can help shut out sounds so you can at long last concentration and improve your general profitability. Better Lighting While you might not have a lot of impact over the sound level in your office, you can change the lighting in the event that you find that it's hindering to your efficiency levels. A decent workspace ought to have plentiful lighting, from overhead sources, yet from work area sources too. Getting a work area light from home can help light up a dull space, yet in addition mollify the cruel fluorescent lighting regular in many workplaces. Play with a couple of various light sources to see whether it has any kind of effect in your capacity to concentrate on errands. Errand Specific Areas Regardless of whether you're a professional a performing various tasks or you want to take your employments each in turn, it's anything but difficult to get derailed your office is muddled. Let's assume you should sort out and stapling reports, for instance. You're doing it before your PC and you notice a text spring up. You'll most likely stop what you're doing to peruse and answer the message, which could disturb your work process. That is the reason one splendid office structure idea is that of undertaking explicit workstations inside your office. By making one space for PC work, another for hierarchical and office work, but another for individual time, such as having lunch, you help outline between the various sorts of assignments in your psyche. Later on, when called upon for a particular errand, you'll have the option to concentrate on the current work, rather than being occupied. Solace And Design At last, the most significant part of office and inside plan is to ensure that your office is a spot wherein you really need to invest energy. While it may not be your preferred spot on the planet, having an agreeable office enlivened such that you love can make work progressively charming. At the point when work is progressively wonderful, you'll be less inclined to invest energy searching for an exit plan. While you will most likely be unable to paint your office, you can balance photos of your family, make showcases of things that motivate you, and enhance your work area with pictures and keepsakes that make you grin. On the off chance that there's no spot like home, at that point you realize your office can't in any way, shape or form contend with the solaces of your living space. In any case, ensuring your workspace is furnished with all that you have to keep focused, you may make the most of your work progressivelyâ€"all while expanding execution. Related Posts Expanding Productivity At The Office Is As Simple As… 3 Reasons You're Not Productive As Much As You Think 4 Ways To Increase Productivity At Work Photograph Credit: Shutterstock Have you joined our profession development club?Join Us Today!

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Tips For Writing a Great Resume Summary

<h1>Tips For Writing a Great Resume Summary</h1><p>Writing an extraordinary resume rundown is a significant piece of the application procedure. It is an underlying brief that is sent to an employing organization that will utilize your resume as they try to talk with you for a vocation. It gives the name of the individual who has considered you and whatever other data that they may need to reach you. It causes bosses to assemble significant data about you and survey whether you are the opportune individual for the job.</p><p></p><p>As an entrepreneur, it is your obligation to help ensure that your resume is elegantly composed. On the off chance that you feel that you are inadequate here, it might be a smart thought to find a way to build your resume composing aptitudes. A couple of tips will assist you with benefiting as much as possible from the time you go through with your resume.</p><p></p><p>When composing your run down, never utilize old material. Rather, you ought to include new data that will enable your resume to stick out. Abstain from utilizing a synopsis that is five years of age no matter what, as this will demonstrate that you have not buckled down enough to be equipped for the position.</p><p></p><p>Do not make any presumptions about your capabilities dependent on your present pay. In the event that you are being required a meeting as a result of your past compensation, ensure that you don't burn through whenever revealing to them that your pay won't permit you to be employed. Show the business that you are set up to work for less cash. You will likewise should be set up to accept a decrease in salary while applying for a second job.</p><p></p><p>All of the fundamental subtleties ought to be remembered for your synopsis. These incorporate your name, address, telephone number, fax number, email address, current and past work history, ins truction, and business experience. The outline ought not contain any close to home data that would occupy from your questioner's capacity to precisely survey your capabilities. This incorporates things like where you lived, leisure activities, and any past crime. This won't assist you with getting recruited, yet it can place you in a terrible light with potential employers.</p><p></p><p>The least demanding approach to make your synopsis simpler to peruse is to utilize visual cues to isolate areas. This will make the activity of perusing your resume much simpler. It will likewise make it increasingly successful when composing your outline. Ensure that the slugs are of equivalent length with the goal that they don't become distracting.</p><p></p><p>There are numerous different tips you can follow to make your resume increasingly powerful. While you should be as inventive as could reasonably be expected, you should in any case adhere to t he essentials. Attempt to make an appealing introductory letter and resume model that will help get you saw by organizations that are looking for up-and-comers. You ought to likewise ensure that your resume incorporates a lot of catchphrases with the goal that it is web index optimized.</p><p></p><p>These tips will assist you with composing an extraordinary resume outline. The key is to ensure that your resume is without mistake and away from linguistic blunders. The rundown is your early introduction and you should ensure that your initial introduction isn't negative.</p>

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Classified Facts About Writing a Fucking Resume That Only the Pros Know Exist

Ordered Facts About Writing a Fucking Resume That Only the Pros Know Exist Don't overlook, you're talking with them as much as they're talking with you. Interests are significant on the grounds that it supplies the questioner something to connect along with you on, and it makes you more than simply a nondescript resume. Remember there are one of a kind types of resumes. The True Meaning of Writing a Fucking Resume The thought of delivering a video resume may sound scaring, however it's not as hard as it sounds and, regularly, it encourages work searchers to stand out in an extremely serious quest for new employment air. You wish to know the environmental factors, the way of life. At whatever point your resume is refreshed on a typical premise, you're good to go to jump whenever opportunity introduces itself. While all resumes should offer data on your work and instruction experience, notwithstanding your capacities and achievements, there are different approaches to introduce this in formation. Alright, I Think I Understand Writing a Fucking Resume, Now Tell Me About Writing a Fucking Resume! In the event that you disrupt a semi-minor guideline, you will be put on Posting Probation, where you won't be allowed to post strings for a foreordained timeframe. You might want a resume that is easy to peruse and easy to track. Out of every one of those resumes, there are handfuls and many qualified candidatespeople who'd most likely make an astounding showing and would be incredible augmentations to any business. Resumes give potential bosses a way to find out about candidates rapidly and promptly, and they're your absolute initial move toward new position openings. Life, Death, and Writing a Fucking Resume Most people take a gander at composing a resume as simply something you must do to have work. Each time you apply to find another line of work, check your resume to ensure that it isn't just focused on, yet what's more current. Last thing you want is to stroll into y our dream work, at that point discover your new manager is the biggest butt face on earth. The way to getting the activity you had always wanted is to make an amazing resume. Building a resume isn't an errand it is conceivable to surrender over to risk. It shows you might want to succeed and you wish to progress nicely. At that point it might be an ideal opportunity to carry some style to your resume! The most straightforward approach to be sure you recollect this is to keep track utilizing the incomparable Resume Checklist we made for you. Above all, your resume ought to be predictable, brief, and clear and easy to peruse. HR will be so dazzled with your resume they may even ask how you fabricated it. Fitting your resume likewise empowers you to get free of superfluous data which may occupy the business from the basic things that you need them to focus on. Consider your resume from the perspective on HR. The Unusual Secret of Writing a Fucking Resume Learn about the three sorts of abilities you'll have the option to feature and the way you're ready to join them into your resume. Make an ace resume that will carry out the responsibility for a choice of positions. Anyway much or what sort of work experience you have, there's a resume design that is probably going to make your capabilities sparkle. At that point examine the accompanying resume composing tips to figure out how to create a resume improving each area for most noteworthy achievement.