Monday, April 27, 2020

Services (in 3 Easy Steps) - When I Grow Up

How to Decide to Expand Your Products/Services (in 3 Easy Steps) - When I Grow Up Im here today to clue you in on how to decide to expand your products/services in 3 easy steps. Please note that I didnt say that Ill show you  how to expand your products/services in 3 easy steps, but how to  decide to expand your products/services in 3 easy steps. As creatives, we have notes everywhere with all of our Big Ideas, and then we buy urls and make plans and we talk to people about things and then all of a sudden were working on 10 different projects and the main thing we really need to do for ourselves isnt happening and, well, you can sense the hampster wheel here, right? To the video, by clicking Play below! Cant see me? Find the video at Please let me know in the comments what this helped you decide. Are you amping things up or cooling things down? And just remember: it doesnt have to be a forever no right now it can simply be a not yet! *******

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